Can't Find Your Keys?
Text (Preferably) Or Try Calling
Replacement Car Keys
OEM & Aftermarket
Security Products
Residential Services
At Xpress Lock-Out Service, we offer residential locksmith services, in addition to an automotive locksmith service.
Our callers home security is a top priority for us, in which some locks need to be rekeyed because of a new tenant is moving in (or out), yet some locks need to be rekeyed because of an unpleasant and in most cases uncomfortable situation(s). A lost or stolen house key, Court Order, and most often a domestic violence situation payable to an ex - roommate & spouse or lover that keeps coming back...
At Xpress Lock-Out Service, we are aware of these different reasons and/or situations and do our best to assist our callers to maintain a high level of security, as when you feel safe, we know that our job is done!!!
One key should operate all locks.... Are you tired of carrying multiple keys for your own house??? Did you know that your locksmith can create a single key that will lock & unlock all of your house locks?
Call us at Xpress Lock-Out Service where we operate to maintain the highest level of professionalism & quality service to each of our callers by providing security products, and innovative service in a timely manner while maintaining friendly professional service to fully impact the needs of our callers... Also we operate as a trustworthy, fairly prompt, professional, affordable automotive & residential lock service!!!
Residential Door Lock
Home & Business Door Lock Service, including non-destructive entry!!!
Call us for service before you change your locks, especially for lock & key hardware upgrades, Re-keying locks, and Master key system...
Our service is the key, but our service always included Residential Door Locks & Security; more than just lockouts....
Duplicate Keys For Your Home, Business, and Auto
Duplicate Keys Cut To Factory Specifications!
If you need to replicate or replace your car keys or house keys, let us handle it.... At Xpress Lock-Out Service, we offer 24 hour locksmith services, so if you need to have a key replicated right away, we can assist you. We'll have your copy finished and ready in no time at all! With the experience, we have the skills and knowledge necessary to ensure a job done correctly with the highest level of reliability, professionalism, and friendliness. To take advantage of our key duplication and replacement services, please call us today.
Locks Change and/or
Properly Re-installed...
Re-keying Locks & Replacement Locks
Need to change a lock, re-key lock, replace a lock or install a lock? Our locksmith service can provide residential and commercial locksmith services. If you are looking for extra security, our locksmith can install most security locks. Controlling key combinations for all of your locks will ease your mind from potential lockouts or break-ins. For businesses, our locksmith can rekey your current lock system to a grand master key system to establish security and organization... Call Xpress Lock-Out Service where our Locksmith will come to your location and service your individual home or business security needs...
You Don't Have To Change Your Locks
Consider rekeying what you have already!!
Services include Residential & Business Door Service & Unlock, Deadbolt & Knob Rekey, Keys, Hardware Upgrade & Installations, including Master Keying!!!
Xpress Lock-Out Service is honored and committed to providing Automotive Locksmith service to Delaware!
At our locksmith outfit, we rely on (Almost 24Hr.) Live Text Support for all Quotes, Service Requests, Work Orders, Jobs, Service Board, and Purchase Orders. In order for us to assist you as a locksmith service, it is crucial that you respond to the intake questions. We will send you a Text Message with the following questions: We need to know your first name, and if you're not comfortable sharing your address yet, please let us know the city you are in. This will help us determine the location. When it comes to Replacement Car Keys, Smartkeys, Remotes, and Ignition Repair, we require the Year, Make, & Model of your vehicle to provide an accurate quote. If the service you need is not related to a vehicle, simply text us and let us know if it's for an Apartment, Home, or Business (we handle Residential, Commercial, and Advanced Diagnostics). Don't worry, just send us a text message, especially if you're using your cell phone. Here's an example text message you can send: "My name is 1) Matthew Smith. 2) I own a 2013 Nissan Altima. 3) I lost my only key, or need a spare key made." If you are not the legitimate owner of the vehicle in question or if you are primarily looking for a cheaper alternative to compare and avoid the standard pricing offered by dealerships or other companies, it would be advisable to consider not reaching out to our establishment. Our locksmith service takes great pride in our professional approach and our esteemed customers value us for who we are. Our service call fee ranges from $125 to $145, and for emergencies during Nights & Weekends, the emergency service fee is $250 to $290. Take your time to consider our price because we value your time and don't want to waste it. While there may be individuals offering locksmith services at very low prices, we prioritize quality over cheap rates. Rest assured, we are a legitimate locksmith service in the State of Delaware, where we are committed to providing the best with absolutely no involvement in a scam... Please note that you have the option to reach out to Jermaine either by phone or text message. However, it's important to remember that Jermaine is not the only one handling inquiries. We utilize Artificial Intelligence along with a vast customer database to assist you. Therefore, we kindly request you to refrain from making comparisons and understand that we may not be able to assist everyone immediately. Sometimes, there might be only one person monitoring the phone lines or we may be unable to answer your call. In such cases, we kindly ask you not to repeatedly call us. Instead, please send a text message and someone will relay your message to our locksmith. We appreciate your patience and encourage you to try again later. If you have attempted to call us and we were unable to answer, please don't worry or question the nature of our business. Thank you for reaching out to us. Currently, no one is available to take your call or assist you, as we are still a family-owned business. Please feel free to text us instead.... #Home #Office #Shop #ZoneA #ZoneB #ZoneC #ZoneD #ZoneE #ZoneF #XpressLockDoverDE #StopComparingUsToPeopleYouDontKnow